Time & Location
Sep 26, 2023, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Milwaukee, 333 E Erie St, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA
About the event
Get your tickets here for the September ASHRAE meeting.
Snow and Ice Melting systems (SIMS) are an effective means of removing a cumbersome and often dangerous barrier to entry for homes and businesses. This presentation will drive the discussion on opportunities and applications for these systems as well as show case studies and compare them to the traditional methods of removal. We will look at the return on investment for the systems and the environmental benefits they can achieve.
About the Speaker -
Adam Botts - Technical Trainer - Viega LLC
Adam started his industry experience with Viega in 2016 as the radiant product engineer and moved into management of various press systems in the ensuing time. Now as a technical trainer he shares his knowledge to industry professionals with a passion for sustainable design and efficinet construciton methods. His educational background is both technical and business oriented including a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and an MBA specializing in Sustainable Management. He has patents for his previous work in concentrated solar power systems and has conducted research on the discovery of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. All of these things have one thing in common, energy and its various uses.
This is a Hybrid Meeting - Lunch is to be provided for those who attend in person/ can also log in remotely.
Free for ASHRAE WI members - Please sign up if you plan to attend IN-PERSON